Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Pegasus (Peg)  ·  Contains:  48 Peg)  ·  NGC 7327  ·  NGC 7331  ·  NGC 7335  ·  NGC 7336  ·  NGC 7337  ·  NGC 7340  ·  NGC 7539  ·  NGC 7786  ·  Sa'd al Bari' (μ Peg  ·  The star 16 Peg  ·  The star Sadalbari
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NGC 7331 and distant friends, John Favalessa
NGC 7331 and distant friends
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NGC 7331 and distant friends

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NGC 7331 and distant friends, John Favalessa
NGC 7331 and distant friends
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NGC 7331 and distant friends



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I'm pleased again by what is possible from my bortle 7 backyard, SQM 18.45.   I had hoped to get some data on this wonderful area from a dark site, but alas the weather has not cooperated.  I was running two rigs on this target - the 9.25edge with a OSC camera and the 102GT with luminance.  This is a moderate crop of the 925 data for best framing at the fov.  Interestingly, I ended up using this luminance on the 9.25 data in this image...which added a bit more detaile.  The 102 wide field is amazing but I only took luminance...so far.  The position in the sky is such that I can only capture from 2:30am to 4:15am.  I will keep at it with the 102 as an interesting galaxy and area.  

Integration using APP (first time combining different scopes).  Pixinsight processing includes the use of  EZ Processing Suite's Soft Stretch, NoiseExterminator, StarExterminator and Adam Brock's star de-emphasis method.  The software tools are getting amazing.  Don't use Topaz anymore.

excerpts worth reading from wikipedia: NGC 7331, also known as Caldwell 30, is an unbarred spiral galaxy about 40MLY's away in the constellation Pegasus. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784.   The other members of the group are the lenticular or unbarred spirals and lie far in the background at distances of between 294 and 365 MLYs.

The galaxy is similar in size and structure to the Milky Way, and is sometimes referred to as "the Milky Way's twin".  However, discoveries in the 2000s regarding the structure of the Milky Way may call this similarity into doubt, particularly because the latter is now believed to be a barred spiral, compared to the unbarred status of NGC 7331. In spiral galaxies the central bulge typically co-rotates with the disk but the bulge in the galaxy NGC 7331 is rotating in the opposite direction to the rest of the disk. 

SN 1959D, a Type IIL supernova, was the first supernova identified within NGC 7331] The supernova was discovered by Milton Humason and H. S. Gates in a survey at Palomar Observatory. More recent supernovae are SN 2013bu and SN 2014C, the latter of which underwent an unusual "metamorphosis" from a hydrogen-poor Type Ib to a hydrogen-rich Type IIn over the course of a year .  A 1903 photographic plate from Yerkes Observatory shows a magnitude 16.6 candidate transient that may have also been a supernova.



  • Final
    NGC 7331 and distant friends, John Favalessa
  • NGC 7331 and distant friends, John Favalessa
  • NGC 7331 and distant friends, John Favalessa


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NGC 7331 and distant friends, John Favalessa