Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  50 alf Cyg  ·  55 Cyg  ·  56 Cyg  ·  57 Cyg  ·  60 Cyg  ·  62 ksi Cyg  ·  B349  ·  B350  ·  B352  ·  B353  ·  B355  ·  B358  ·  Deneb  ·  IC 5068  ·  IC 5070  ·  LBN 322  ·  LBN 323  ·  LBN 324  ·  LBN 328  ·  LBN 329  ·  LBN 332  ·  LBN 334  ·  LBN 338  ·  LBN 341  ·  LBN 342  ·  LBN 343  ·  LBN 348  ·  LBN 349  ·  LBN 350  ·  LBN 353  ·  And 42 more.
NGC 7000 and IC 5070 - Samyang 135, Lee
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NGC 7000 and IC 5070 - Samyang 135

NGC 7000 and IC 5070 - Samyang 135, Lee
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NGC 7000 and IC 5070 - Samyang 135



Acquisition details



A surprising evening of clear skies appeared on the night of Saturday 24th July.  I had the Samyang 135 (@ ~F2.4) out flip flopping between targets but in the end decided on the bright NGC 7000 and IC 5070.  The OIII is a little weak with the skies and full moon so didn't push it too far before combining.

This is 20 x 180s Ha (1h) and 18 x 180s OIII (54m) blended in PixelMath as:

R - Ha
G - 0.5*Ha + 0.5*OIII
B - 0.1*Ha + 0.9*OIII

The Ha and OIII were starless and the Ha original (with stars) was used as the Lum.  An odd palette perhaps but I like the golds, browns and blues.

Captured in Voyager, stacked in APP and processed in PixInsight.



  • NGC 7000 and IC 5070 - Samyang 135, Lee
  • NGC 7000 and IC 5070 - Samyang 135, Lee


Description: Straight HOO processed.

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NGC 7000 and IC 5070 - Samyang 135, Lee

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Samyang 135 f/2