Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  B168  ·  Cocoon Nebula  ·  HD207350  ·  HD207529  ·  HD207608  ·  HD207662  ·  HD207886  ·  HD207991  ·  HD208362  ·  HD208394  ·  HD208727  ·  HD208728  ·  IC 5146  ·  LBN 424  ·  LDN 1042  ·  LDN 1045  ·  LDN 1047  ·  LDN 1052  ·  LDN 1055  ·  Sh2-125  ·  VdB147
IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field, Mark Germani
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IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field

Revision title: Reprocess

IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field, Mark Germani
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IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field

Revision title: Reprocess



Acquisition details



Well, this one was a learning experience...

While gathering time on M27, it would often be obstructed by buildings or trees, so when that happened I gathered time on IC 5146 with my HaOIII filter attached (for M27), thinking that it was mainly an emission nebula due to the colour. 8 hours of HaOIII later, I realized it was more of a broadband target. Woops.

As soon as my telescope came back from the shop, I gathered as much time with the L-Pro as I could, to try and salvage the project. The L-Pro data looks way better than the HaOIII data, so lesson learned. Not wanting to waste the Ha I'd captured, though, I decided to try and incorporate it somehow. It added little, if anything, to the nebula itself but it did appear to have faint background Ha which didn't appear to be gradients due to LP/Moon so I tried to add them to the BG.

2024 Reprocess: I recently changed my workflow for star correction, stretching and re-screening (correct only with BlurXterminator, SPCC, BlurXterminator with defaults, StarXterminator, GHS ArcSin stretches with highlights reduced to 50%, Re-screen Stars, Mike Cranfield's ScreenStars and StarReduction scripts) and tried Jürgen Terpe's Combine HA with RGB script which finally allowed me to integrate the Ha with the RGB in the background, and I'm much happier with the result!



  • IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field, Mark Germani
  • IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field, Mark Germani
  • IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field, Mark Germani
  • IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field, Mark Germani
  • Final
    IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field, Mark Germani


Title: HaRGB

Description: 50/50 blend of R and Ha for red channel

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Title: RGB

Description: RGB from L-Pro only

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Title: Final

Description: Based on feedback, RGB wins. Just a touch of Ha, mostly in the nebula. Some star reduction (masked) and a tighter crop, since we're not focusing on Ha areas.

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Title: Reprocess

Description: I was finally able to incorporate the Ha data into the bg of the image with Jürgen Terpe's "Combine Ha with RGB" script, and I have changed my method of correcting, stretching and rescreening RGB stars. The crop is slightly sider to showcase the improved background.

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


IC 5146 "Cocoon" Nebula & Barnard 168, HaRGB Wide-field, Mark Germani