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M27, Caleb Evans


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M27, Caleb Evans




Acquisition details



Captured from my new setup in College Station, Texas (Bortle 6 skies) has proven to provide me with more opportunities to image over the course of the week and weekend. I am still learning a lot about the imaging process and the fine details of my telescope. Still some artifacts on the larger stars, but nothing that a bit of time with the clone stamp tool can't mend. This time I am set up on cinder blocks, and trying to avoid the backyard lights from my neighbors as much as possible.

M27, the Dumbbell Nebula, is a beautiful object, and doing my research on it, I had no idea it was the first planetary nebula officially discovered. Pictured is only my RGB data. I couldn't seem to create a close to real color image with my HSO data, so I opted for creating the purple image of the nebula (image revision coming soon). I love the detail it brought out, but would like to learn how to get it to look similar in color to my RGB image.
