Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  56 Cyg  ·  57 Cyg  ·  B353  ·  B355  ·  HD198480  ·  HD198896  ·  HD198931  ·  HD199021  ·  HD199099  ·  HD199178  ·  HD199206  ·  HD199312  ·  HD199355  ·  HD199373  ·  HD199395  ·  HD199416  ·  HD199417  ·  HD199479  ·  HD199511  ·  HD199512  ·  HD199547  ·  HD199579  ·  HD199580  ·  HD199799  ·  HD199870  ·  HD199939  ·  HD199956  ·  HD200060  ·  HD200102  ·  HD200311  ·  And 27 more.
North American Nebula - using dual Ha-OIII filter - simulated SHO, Simon
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North American Nebula - using dual Ha-OIII filter - simulated SHO

North American Nebula - using dual Ha-OIII filter - simulated SHO, Simon
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North American Nebula - using dual Ha-OIII filter - simulated SHO



Acquisition details



Whilst my monochrome has gone off to China for repair - can you believe it! - I decided to use my colour camera with a dual filter. This image is a simulated SHO, using 105 subs each at 2 minutes long. The integration time for this is 3.5 hours. It was a challenge to get as much of this object(s) in the FOV, but I managed to squeeze in a fair amount. I also have an ongoing issue with halos through the OIII emission line, whether I use fast filters [which are supposed to correct the problem], or not. It is a major headache and I am not sure this is going to get solved. As that is the case I am finding that there is a seeping through of the blue from the O3 on every star, which is why they all look blue - which is not how they really are. I am also having to dial the stars right back and use some convolution to hide the halo effect on the stars - not ideal either. Why can nothing ever be straightforward - really enjoying the new fast scope, but not this aspect of its requirements! This will be my last image for a while, so I hope you enjoy it. Cheers. Simon


Sky plot

Sky plot


North American Nebula - using dual Ha-OIII filter - simulated SHO, Simon