Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  16 Cep  ·  24 Cep  ·  LBN 535  ·  LBN 541  ·  LBN 546  ·  LDN 1235  ·  The star 16Cep  ·  The star 24Cep  ·  VdB149  ·  VdB150
Baby Shark, Jonny Bravo
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Baby Shark

Baby Shark, Jonny Bravo
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Baby Shark



Acquisition details



The is my first attempt at shooting a dark nebula. With my skies being Bortle 6/7, I wasn't even sure I'd be able to get anywhere with this data. Originally, this started as an experiment. I was waiting for another target to clear trees and had some time to kill. Realizing the Dark Shark was in a very good position, and framed up extremely well with my 0.8x reduced GT81 and ASI294MM Pro, I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did. While I could barely make out hints of the dark dust in any single sub, after stacking that first night's experimental data, I realized I might be able to do something with it after all.

So, every clear night I've had where the moon is not blazing brightly in the sky, I've dedicated time to this target. This image is just over 13 hours of LRGB data. Could it use more time? Absolutely... with my skies, a 40 hour integration would be good. Unfortunately, I have neither the patience, nor the computing power to handle that much data 


Sky plot

Sky plot


Baby Shark, Jonny Bravo

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ZWO ASI294MM Pro Images