Contains:  Solar system body or event
Moon: 11% in RGB, Earthshine, jewzaam

Moon: 11% in RGB, Earthshine

Moon: 11% in RGB, Earthshine, jewzaam

Moon: 11% in RGB, Earthshine



Acquisition details



I setup at a dark site and eventually got some sleep.  When the imaging run was over at 4:30AM I happened to wake up and saw the moon.  The rig I was using isn't ideal for lunar details (135mm lens at f/2) but I figured why not see what I get with different single exposures.  This 1 second exposure looked pretty nice and I'm glad I spent the time messing around before tearing down the rig!  It was early enough and the earthshine bright enough I could see it with the naked eye.  Very cool!



Moon: 11% in RGB, Earthshine, jewzaam