Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  NGC 6883  ·  The star 28Cyg
WR 134 HOO / RGB stars, Volker Gutsmann
WR 134 HOO / RGB stars
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WR 134 HOO / RGB stars

WR 134 HOO / RGB stars, Volker Gutsmann
WR 134 HOO / RGB stars
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WR 134 HOO / RGB stars



Acquisition details



The Wolf Rayet 134 (WR 134) is a wondeful target but tricky. O3 is weak and requires a lot of exposure time. In the end I used 7h OIII and 3 h HA for the image. Despite the 7h I could not get more signal out of the stack and only the brightest O3 regions show up. Maybe this is because of my urban bortle 6-7 sky, or I do something wrong in a serious way.

Workflow: the narrowband stacks were made starless using the starnet plugin. Then combined as HOO after further stretching. RGB stars were created seperately and combined in PS.

18x 600s HA

42x 600s OIII

20x 120s each for RGB

Imaging took place in the second half of August


Sky plot

Sky plot


WR 134 HOO / RGB stars, Volker Gutsmann

In these public groups

Imaged with APT