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Emission Nebula IC 5068, Steve Sells

Emission Nebula IC 5068

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Emission Nebula IC 5068, Steve Sells

Emission Nebula IC 5068



Acquisition details



Part of the Cygnus Nebula Cloud, IC 5068 is a nebula about 1600 light years away. Its predominately red light is emitted by a cloud of ionized hydrogen gas. The dark details are dust clouds in front of that glowing gas, blocking the light. Stellar winds blowing through the dust clouds make the striations and other details that are especially visible in the upper left quadrant of the picture.

I shot the picture from my light-polluted patio under a full moon. It's my first completed picture taken with the Optolong L-eNhance duo narrowband filter. The filter made it possible to do astrophotography even on a night when the moon was full.



  • Emission Nebula IC 5068, Steve Sells
  • Final
    Emission Nebula IC 5068, Steve Sells


Description: The one on the right is both the original and the final version. I created the starless version from this image as an experiment, but decided it was better to have some stars.

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Emission Nebula IC 5068, Steve Sells

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