Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Hydra (Hya)  ·  Contains:  M 83  ·  NGC 5236  ·  Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
Messier 83 from the Southern Hemisphere, Alex Woronow
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Messier 83 from the Southern Hemisphere

Messier 83 from the Southern Hemisphere, Alex Woronow
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Messier 83 from the Southern Hemisphere



Acquisition details



Messier 83 from the Southern Hemisphere


Camera:………….SBIG STXL11002 with AOX and FW8G (0.63 arsec/pxl)

Observatory:…. Heaven’s Mirror, Chile


…R……11 x 1200 sec.

…B…....7 x 1200

…G…….6 x 1200

…L……18 x 1200

Total exposure 14 hours

Image Width: ~40 arc-minutes

Processed by Alex Woronow (2020) using PixInsight, ACDSee, SWT

M 83 lies pretty far south for N. American and most European observatories to do it justice. This image from Chile shows much of the color and detail that this relatively nearby (4.5 Mpc) spiral galaxy offers.

It is a “grand design” spiral galaxy. “Grand design” means that it has distinct spiral arms extending for a large angular distance around the galaxy and discernable over much of its radius. In addition to the spiral arms, M 83 has a weakly expressed bar but no inner ring.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Messier 83 from the Southern Hemisphere, Alex Woronow