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Homunculus - Eta Carinae, Jorge Herreros

Homunculus - Eta Carinae



Acquisition details



I had these frames for 3 years unprocessed.
My local sky is Bortle 8 and there was a jet stream overhead. Seeing conditions were about 3 arcsec. Although I had the intention of obtaining an image of Homunculus, it was beyond the quality of the frames I can get from my backyard
Now with the arrival of BlurXterminator I decided to try to process it. At first the results were not very encouraging, however after many attempts, I tried Gaussian drizzling.
I always read that drizzling on oversampled frames was not worth it, however with this I managed to obtain a resolution beyond my expectations.
The image is only 2.4 arcmin across!



Homunculus - Eta Carinae, Jorge Herreros