DSLR Heart nebula, Michiel

DSLR Heart nebula

DSLR Heart nebula, Michiel

DSLR Heart nebula



Acquisition details



2 seasons ago, when I just moved from my DSLR lens to a proper telescope, one of the first targets I pointed it at was the Heart nebula or IC1805. While I was happy with the data, I was not able to get a (very) significantly better image out of it, which bummed me out a bit.

Now, 2 seasons later, I bought PixInsight and learned how to work with it and all the add-ons one can use with it, and only now I am starting to see big improvements in final results. Because of this, I have been processing a lot of older data again to see if I can get more out of it, and sure enough, even old data with more basic equipment results in much nicer images.

Lesson learned: While gear does play a role, processing techniques really are much more important!



DSLR Heart nebula, Michiel