A Starless Heart in Narrowband, the.robservatory

A Starless Heart in Narrowband

A Starless Heart in Narrowband, the.robservatory

A Starless Heart in Narrowband



Acquisition details



This cosmic structure, a.k.a. IC 1805 and Sh-2 190, lurks 7,500 lightyears away, and harbors newly forming stars just setting their sails on their multi-million-year-long lives. It glows like a neon light because nearby stars emit UV light which mixes with and excites the gases seen in this photo. In true color, it would appear pinkish red to our eyes — a difficult color for our eyes to see. Instead I’ve chosen to capture only it’s specific emission lines, otherwise called narrowband, and map them to the RGB color palette created from NASA’s Hubble photos, highlighting cyan and gold. Combined with my own creative spin, I’ve removed the stars and revealed the details which might otherwise escape us.



A Starless Heart in Narrowband, the.robservatory