Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  11 Sgr  ·  12.10  ·  12.13  ·  13 mu. Sgr  ·  14 Sgr  ·  15 Sgr  ·  16 Sgr  ·  17 Sgr  ·  21 Sgr  ·  213 Lilaea  ·  233 Asterope  ·  4 Sgr  ·  4 Vesta  ·  5.83  ·  6 Sgr  ·  7 Sgr  ·  9 Sgr  ·  B297  ·  B301  ·  B303  ·  B304  ·  B306  ·  B307  ·  B308  ·  B309  ·  B310  ·  B311  ·  B312  ·  B84a  ·  B85  ·  And 302 more.
March of the Midnight Messiers, Jim Lindelien
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March of the Midnight Messiers

March of the Midnight Messiers, Jim Lindelien
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March of the Midnight Messiers



Acquisition details



March of the Midnight Messiers across the Milky Way.

A widefield in RGB+Ha+OIII. Unguided.

The Rokinon lens was operated at an effective ~f/2.4 given the aperture of the front mounted 2" square Baader UFC filter slider.

Bayer g1, g2 and b sub-arrays stacked into a single OIII integration. Drizzle integrated at 2x for post processing then cropped.

There was a little haze during the RGB session that haloed the brighter stars, but in the end, I decided this was not all that bad in the final rendering.


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