Horsehead and Flame Nebula (IC2023/NGC2024) Big Surprise!!!, JimGunn32563

Horsehead and Flame Nebula (IC2023/NGC2024) Big Surprise!!!

Horsehead and Flame Nebula (IC2023/NGC2024) Big Surprise!!!, JimGunn32563

Horsehead and Flame Nebula (IC2023/NGC2024) Big Surprise!!!



Acquisition details



YAY! My surprise. After getting the North America Nebula imaging started, I climbed into my truck for a nap (I traveled to a darker sky site, Bortle 5), set the alarm on my phone, expecting to pack up and leave at 3 am. When I woke up, I just knew my eyes were deceiving me. I could see the Orion Constellation through my windshield. I wasn't expecting to be able to see that for another month or two as it is considered a winter constellation. But I suppose if you are up late (or early) enough, you can catch it earlier. This is my absolute favorite nebula/s, the Horsehead and Flame nebula.  This image is 2 hours and 15 minutes of total exposure time and I was lucky enough that the moon set about 4 am so that really helped capture the very faint red Hydrogen cloud. I didn't get back to the house until 6:15 this morning and was in bed two minutes later.



Horsehead and Flame Nebula (IC2023/NGC2024) Big Surprise!!!, JimGunn32563