Eye galaxy of 27th of April 2022 + integration with other image of 25th of April 2020, Stefano Ciapetti

Eye galaxy of 27th of April 2022 + integration with other image of 25th of April 2020

Eye galaxy of 27th of April 2022 + integration with other image of 25th of April 2020, Stefano Ciapetti

Eye galaxy of 27th of April 2022 + integration with other image of 25th of April 2020



Acquisition details



This image is the sum of 877 30 secs unguided frames, automatically selected among 1877. Telescope was a Newton 250 F 3.9, QHY268M camera, on top fo a Ioptron CEM60EC. That night was very windy. So, in order to do some frames, I reduced integration time to 30 secs and binned 2. Aquisition and stacking with Astroart. Processing with Astroart. However, due to short integration time and bad seeing, in order to improve the image I have summed that with a previous image taken during 2020 with same mount and scope and with a QHY183M mono camera. Registration and sum with Astroart.

Color image has been taken the same day (27th of April 2022) with a C5 + reducer F 6.3 + modded Nikon d5600. Registration with Astroart. Combination with PS.

The Eyes Galaxies (NGC 4435-NGC 4438, also known as Arp 120) are a pair of galaxies about 52 million light-years away in the constellation Virgo. The pair are members of the string of galaxies known as Markarian's Chain. (Wikipedia)



  • Eye galaxy of 27th of April 2022 + integration with other image of 25th of April 2020, Stefano Ciapetti
  • Eye galaxy of 27th of April 2022 + integration with other image of 25th of April 2020, Stefano Ciapetti
  • Final
    Eye galaxy of 27th of April 2022 + integration with other image of 25th of April 2020, Stefano Ciapetti


Description: summed 360 60 secs subs taken during 2020 with same setup but different camera (QHY183M in place of the QHY 268)

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Description: added color informat taken on the 27th of April 2022 with a C5 + FR 6.3 + modded Nikon d5600 mounted on top of the Newton.

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Eye galaxy of 27th of April 2022 + integration with other image of 25th of April 2020, Stefano Ciapetti

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