Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  M 63  ·  NGC 5055  ·  Sunflower Galaxy
Messier 63 - the Sunflower Galaxy, Nico Augustin
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Messier 63 - the Sunflower Galaxy

Messier 63 - the Sunflower Galaxy, Nico Augustin
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Messier 63 - the Sunflower Galaxy



Acquisition details



I finally tried M63! It was a bit a panic target for me because of all the fine details in the galaxy disk and knowing that my mount might not guide good enough - what it didn't. However, after some crude initial guiding issues it started to work okay(ish). The average RMS of 0.65-0.85 arcsec was still more than twice than it would be good for my camera and scope combo - but in the end I was glad that I tried. I lost about 1.5 hrs of data due to the technical issues and guiding deviation but to be fair, I only have a CEM25P which is really working at its very limits when carrying my EHD8.

However, this is only 3 hours captured at F10! So, in my opinion it turned out quite nice and even a fair amount of the tidal halo is visible - I did not expected that.



  • Messier 63 - the Sunflower Galaxy, Nico Augustin
  • Final
    Messier 63 - the Sunflower Galaxy, Nico Augustin


Description: I added about 1.5 hours of data and processed the imiage completely new. I calibrated in APP but stacked and processed in PixInsight this time. Finishing as usual in Photoshop. In my opinion a better balanced result :-)

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Sky plot


Messier 63 - the Sunflower Galaxy, Nico Augustin