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Saturn Nebula - NGC7009, Fábio

Saturn Nebula - NGC7009

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Saturn's Nebula, NGC7009, is one of the most beautiful and famous planetary nebulae in the sky. Its distance from Earth is uncertain, being between 1900 and 3800 light years from us. Its internal structure marks the end of a star equivalent to our Sun, after the red giant phase, where the star's outer layers are ejected in multiple packets at different time intervals. This, associated with differences in density and temperature within the nebula envelope and the presence of dust and smaller planetary bodies in the system, causes the expelled gases to form these complex patterns around the parent star, being strongly excited by the radiation flux from the same giving that characteristic ghostly coloring. The Saturn nebula was so named because it resembles the planet Saturn in that it has an elliptical envelope with two bulges on each side.

Newtonian 16” f/4.5 telescope and Player One Mars M-II camera for luminance - 300x2s and Player One Mars C camera for RGB - 200x1s.



Saturn Nebula - NGC7009, Fábio