Journey to Another Sky, Jim Lindelien

Journey to Another Sky

Journey to Another Sky, Jim Lindelien

Journey to Another Sky



Acquisition details



IC1396 rendered in starless SHO.

Along my post-processing way to a conventional rendering, I liked what fell out of PixelMath herein so thought to post it. I've intentionally inverted positive and negative space (aka "figure and ground").


Except for SII, mostly imaged before moonrise. Calibrated without bias frames. No noise reduction applied; no sharpening...just the direct NB stacks, a default gamma stretch, Starnet++, PixelMath, SCNR and curves adjustments.

After imaging at 2x2 I drizzle integrated all data at 2x to yield a ~6kx9k resolution, then ran Starnet++ at a stride setting of 64 seeking a cleaner starless rendering.

Cropped and downsampled to UHD format.


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Journey to Another Sky, Jim Lindelien