Markanian's Chain Widefield, SN 2024gy and Feige 60, Rian Rubingh

Markanian's Chain Widefield, SN 2024gy and Feige 60

Markanian's Chain Widefield, SN 2024gy and Feige 60, Rian Rubingh

Markanian's Chain Widefield, SN 2024gy and Feige 60



Acquisition details



Widefield image of Markanian's chain including galaxy NGC 4216 and it's supernova SN 2024gy and a somewhat rare deep blue star named Feige 60

January 9th, the night this image was taken, was the first completely clear night after 4 months of only clouds and rain; we experienced the wettest and warmest year since the start of measurements in 1906. (use e.g. Chrome translate function)
So I made the best of this night and imaged 24 targets (often with multiple objects) in 12 hours time to fill my Messier list (it will take probably a year to process all data ...). So each target did get 30 minutes of exposure time on average.
Luckily my Pentax K1 with the Samyang 135 mm f/2.0 lens gobbles up photons. After that night I was completely wasted. Longer exposure times are on my wish list but with climate change clear nights are a rarity.

The Samyang 135 mm provides us with such a widefield that I accidently discovered that I exposed a recently discovered supernova: SN 2024gy
Next to this, something else stood out: a very blue star (top center). After some research I found out that this star is called Feige 60 (If I can't update the picture, it is mistakenly called Feige 90 in the annotation).
Feige 60 is located here: 12 18 58.0731740352 +15 07 27.011305092  and is listed in Simbad. It is a Blue Horizontal-Branch (BHB) star, probably very old, past it's red giant state.  It probably has low metallicity (ref

Pentax K1, Astrotracer
Samyang 135 mm f/2.0
66 lights, 20 sec, ISO 1600, repoint camera every 10 minutes
10 darks
3 flats
30 dark offset / bias
No filters, camera not modified
Bortle 6-7

SW used:

- Stretch place RGB histograms on top of each other
- Vignet reduction via Camera Raw
- Stretch place RGB histograms on top of each other
- Curve adjustment
- Remove stars
Photoshop on starless image:
- High Frequency filter 2x, merge with "overlay"
- Camera Raw blur and sharpen
- Remove background
- Adjust brightness and contrast
- Add stars
- Camera raw blur, brightness, contrast
- Crop
- Vignet reduction
- Adjust brightness/contrast and color/saturation
- Texts



Markanian's Chain Widefield, SN 2024gy and Feige 60, Rian Rubingh