Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  56 Cyg  ·  57 Cyg  ·  62 ksi Cyg  ·  B349  ·  B352  ·  B353  ·  B355  ·  IC 5068  ·  IC 5070  ·  NGC 6989  ·  NGC 6996  ·  NGC 6997  ·  NGC 7000  ·  North America Nebula  ·  Pelican Nebula  ·  Sh2-117  ·  The star 56Cyg  ·  The star 57Cyg  ·  The star ξCyg
North America and Pelican Nebulae, Jeffrey Stirman
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North America and Pelican Nebulae

North America and Pelican Nebulae, Jeffrey Stirman
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North America and Pelican Nebulae



Acquisition details



Worked on this and the Veil around the same time. I stretched the low shadows a bit more to really make the dark dusk more ominous. Going really wide with the setup is fun!

With this framing, I really can't help but seeing a noseless (or masked) face staring at me around 57 Cyg.

I don't have the exact dates (between end of July and mid-Aug) so I will summarize the capture details here:

SII: 24 x 600s 
Ha: 36 x 600S
OIII: 24 x 600s
14 hrs total
All at gain 60
30 each of flats, darks, and flat darks.
Collected with NINA
Stacked in DSS and processed in PS.
Image was down-sampled 2x2 after processing.


Sky plot

Sky plot


North America and Pelican Nebulae, Jeffrey Stirman