Alternative Image Stretching for Mathematically bent Pixinsight Users: from Linear to non-linear - quicker, easier,.... and better? [Deep Sky] Processing techniques · David Payne · ... · 77 · 11154 · 14

PatrickGraham 5.70
I've been reading through and honestly, I'm a bit overwhelmed.  I have no background in the coding languages and Pixel Math is still intimidating to me.  However, I'm learning bit by bit and enjoy astrophotography so any process or script to make stretching more user friendly is greatly appreciated.  The question is;  has this been developed into a script or process that can be downloaded from the PI download manager?  Would anyone be willing to post a link here so I can check this out.  I've looked thru the posts but I get lost in it all.  David posted a link and a set of instructions early in this thread but that was a while ago and I don't know if it's still current.   Thank you all for all the amazing work and effort you have put into this.

Clear skies and happy processing!!

mike1485 23.42
Patrick Graham:
I've been reading through and honestly, I'm a bit overwhelmed.  I have no background in the coding languages and Pixel Math is still intimidating to me.  However, I'm learning bit by bit and enjoy astrophotography so any process or script to make stretching more user friendly is greatly appreciated.  The question is;  has this been developed into a script or process that can be downloaded from the PI download manager?  Would anyone be willing to post a link here so I can check this out.  I've looked thru the posts but I get lost in it all.  David posted a link and a set of instructions early in this thread but that was a while ago and I don't know if it's still current.   Thank you all for all the amazing work and effort you have put into this.

Clear skies and happy processing!!


If you add the following repository address to your repository list in PixInsight and then Check for Updates in the usual way you will add GHS both, the script and process versions, to your installation.  The repository address is:

CS, Mike
PatrickGraham 5.70
Thanks, Mike. I appreciate your response.

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