Hello community

i wonder if someone stumbled across the following before.

I started last year with a Canon 600D modified for astrophotography and used a third party remote shutter release cable (intervalometer) for targeting and long exposure. This went fine for a couple of months.
Last summer i got the MGEN2 Autoguider and used the remote shutter cable for targeting and then switched to the MGEN for long exposures due to Dithering. I used the provided cable for that.
Again everything went smooth for a couple of weeks. Then suddenly my camera started to act "crazy". It wont start or stop the exposure when connected to the Intervalomenter or MGEN. Later the camera even froze when connected, meaning the screen went black or buttons were not working. Like this i could not use it for Astrofotography anymore so i bought a used Canon 60 D, again modified.
I use it since but as of last night the same issues start over again. It froze when connected  and only getting the battery out and putting it back in resolved it.
Has anyone experienced something like that? I read online that there a some known issues with the 60D regarding connected devices, but not for the 600D. Am i just having bad luck? Is it something i did wrong? Can the MGEN or the remoteshuttercable destroy the Camerasoftware somehow?

Thanks for reading and any advice is welcome.

Edited ...