Strange artefact in image Other · gregengland · ... · 3 · 161 · 2

gregengland 0.00
Hi All,
Spotted this while pixel peeping around my image of the state of liberty nebula.
Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 10.00.42 am.png
Looks odd, like a rectangle that sort of resembles a Tie Fighter coming straight on.
Most dominate in the Ha channel but still visible in S2 and O3.
Have not seen it before on any other images taken with the ZWO 2600mm.
Drizzling the image improves the sharpness of the artefact.
My question is, what is it? what has caused it?
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Cheers Greg
andreatax 7.99
·  1 like
That nebula complex is called NGC3576 and the "artifact" isn't an artifact, it's a planetary nebula, I'd reckon.
Edited ...
gregengland 0.00
Ok thanks for that, I had thought it was something caused by the camera or processing but a planetary nebula makes sense.
Strange it is shaped the way it is but being so small I guess you can't really tell.
andreatax 7.99
·  1 like
Here is the little bug's name: PN G291.4-00.3
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