Annular Eclipse Processing [Solar System] Processing techniques · Mike Butorac · ... · 2 · 165 · 1

mbuto 0.00

Not the best Photoshopper here, and I need some help. I have a composite of the Annular Eclipse taken in Albuquerque, and the foreground of my location, but I can't seem to get the two together without washing out the sun/moon images. I've included snips of the sources and the problem. The sun/moons were individual layers blended in 'Lighten' mode, then flattened down. 

Also not sure if I should try and balance out the colour because the early images, being lower in the sky, are a bit more on the orange side. Any thoughts on this appreciated.



andreatax 8.06
In my experince a daylight backdrop won't do. You either need a dusk shot or even a nightscape to go with it. BTW, I'm not using PS. Besides, the eclipse phases need to be blended into a dark, uniform backdrop not against the landscape itself for best results.
DarkSky7 3.81
Hey Mike! That's an awesome timeline! Nice job! 
instead of "Lighten"  try "Color Dodge add' in blending mode.
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