Asiair plus [Solar System] Acquisition techniques · Astroplantfish · ... · 5 · 140 · 1

Astroplantfish 0.00

Does anyone use this to capture data for planets or prefer use of laptop. I've read some issues concerning fps rate not being high enough. 

Looking forward to your experiences. 

aabosarah 7.12
·  1 like
I am by no means a planetary imager. Mostly DSOs. I have used it. It worked but yes the fps was limited. The highest I got on the ASIair was about 60-70fps with the 533mc pro which is not the ideal planetary camera.  On a laptop I was getting well over 100 fps.

You can drop your ROI to 480p or 320p as long as you can keep your planet within the frame during capture.  Of course if your seeing is above average you may not need the super high frame rate. Here is Saturn from last summer captured with the ASIair.

rOAYe552t0qk_1824x0_fsTKFYx6 (1).jpg

ElusivePup 0.00
Thanks Ashraf, 

Nice photo. Your experience is in line with others. I will be able to track, so perhaps I can reduce the roi. I have heard of some people linking their asiair to a ssd directly and getting higher fps. I've also heard people say using sharpcam with asiair, is better than asiair's capture software for planets.
fluthecrank 3.82
·  1 like
Hi folks,

for Sun, Moon and Planets I use sharpcap,...............ASIAIR for me is fpr DSO.

Astroplantfish 0.00
Thanks Frank, it seems that one size doesn't fit all.
afjk 3.58
As convenient the AsiAir is, I find I get better results with firecapture on a laptop wired to the mount, as its tracking feature for planets is great and it has no problems collecting full frame videos of the Asi 2600mc camera, whereas AsiAir is limited to 1024p and runs lower fps. For planets lower resulotion is ok, but for moon its sometime nice to get a larger canvas.
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