Daystar Quark - on/off band question [Solar System] Acquisition techniques · Hans P. Strifeldt · ... · 3 · 149 · 0

HansPS 0.90
Hi, I recently got the Daystar Quark chromosphere filter, and I ponder the eternal question: How do I know I am properly on-band? I do not see too much difference when turning the knob from right to left via the mid position. Perhaps I am just incapable of judging which is the best knob position to be on-band. Hence, I gamble and shoot when I think I have the best contrast. How do you guys do this properly?
AsteoMik 0.90
·  1 like
the knob serves both to better distinguish the facolar regions - flare - protuberances from sunspots.  in practice, if turned in a sense "I don't remember which one you have to try" (blue light), the eruptive areas will be seen better, while in the other direction the sunspots will be seen more contrasted.  It should be written on the instruction booklet.
cmas 1.43
·  1 like
Easiest is to take images. If you do that, Alexandra has a good "manual":

So this and some experience. In my case +/- 1 click from optimum does not cause issues. If I detune it more than that, then I can see it in the image quality.
HansPS 0.90
·  1 like
Thanks, that link was really informative! I guess I’ll just have to shoot a similar series to check for my location and Quark copy.
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