Thinking about doing some planetary imaging ... what do you use with 200PDS Sky-Watcher Explorer 200PDS · Andy Wray · ... · 4 · 354 · 0

andymw 11.01
I've not done any planetary imaging with the Skywatcher 200PDS Newtonian.  Anyone done this and, if so, what combination of camera and barlow lense did you use?
RubenO 0.00
andreatax 8.06
Frankly speaking it wouldn't matter a jot whether you use a refractor, a reflector or a catadioptric. What matters is what is the optical quality of the scope and what seeing you have. I'd suggest you first try with your eyes to see what can be seen in the planet you're interested in (Jupiter?), say at 300x. After evaluating what can be seen and how well you might decide what to do next. As a general rule I'd want a f/20 system with the current crop of planetary cameras (ASI224 is a good choice). You might also need a ADC (and learn to use it as well). Get also familiar with the software of choice (SharpCap or FireCapture) and how to set-up the whole system.
atlejq 0.00

My setup was ASI290MM, a filter wheel, a ZWO atmospheric dispersion corrector and 2-3x barlows. You need a computer with a SSD to get high enough throughput. First Light Optics sells such minicomputers so you dont wreck your expensive laptop from dew etc.

The ASI290MM seems to be widely regarded as the best planetary imaging camera, but you can also use cameras like the ASI224, ASI290MC or newer ones like ASI462MC. Unless you are extremely advanced, you will get more or less the same results from the color cameras.

This was done with 200 PDS:

This with the 8" ONTC

I am in Norway so I have a rather shitty altitude for the planets (Mars 35 degrees, Jupiter 30 degrees for those images), you will get better results from countries further south. Also you will need to watch the jet stream forecast and wait for occasions with good seeing to really get the best results, but this may be just a few nights the entire year if you aren't in the right areas for this pursuit (Caribbean etc).
Edited ...
Like 0.00

I normally use a MAK150 for planetary but last holiday I couldn't take all the toys (small car replacement :-)  )
So I took only the Newton 200PDS and was actually susprised (in the good way) with the result! :-)

I shooted Jupiter with Camera ASI662MC and several configurations of lens: 
  • No Barlow
  • Barlow 2X
  • Barlow 3X

Sorry haven't uploaded the result yet but I will
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