A few pics of new roll-off roof top observatory in Green Valley, Arizona Pictures 'of' Your Home-Built Observatory · Gina Knight · ... · 8 · 119 · 3

GVAstrogirls 2.41
Here are a couple of  pics of a 15x13' motorized roll-off rooftop observatory that Frank Lopez of Stellar Vision in Tucson kindly built for us. We love it.  The wall height is 5 feet and works great for our 12.5" Dobsonian which lives here along with our imaging scope on a pier. Frank did a great job  building this and we would highly recommend reaching out to him if you are in the southwestern US and are thinking of options for observatories.PXL_20240308_180308035.jpgPXL_20240308_180241934.jpg
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DalePenkala 19.63
Very nice Gina! Great looking observatory!

BobGillette 6.26
·  1 like
Very attractive! How do you handle ventilation / temperature control in the desert environment?

CS, Bob
GVAstrogirls 2.41
It remains to be seen - haha. The roof has layers of white cool coat which will help a bit and we did not want windows as they make it hotter. There are no vents per SE and we were concerned about desert critters like scorpions getting through them.  So we may just have to open the roof a bit earlier in the day to really cool things off ahead of time and there may be certain equipment we will not store in there during the summer.  It would be interesting to see how others handle the ventilation problem where it gets hot as we could perhaps add them if we know of a good solution.
BobGillette 6.26
·  1 like

I’m familiar with scorpions, having once lived in Tempe.  Here in New Hampshire we have our own panoply of unwanted bugs, starting with wasps.  I cut 3” ventilation holes along the side eaves of my obs, and covered the inside of the eaves with window screening.  So far so good.

CS, Bob
GVAstrogirls 2.41
I like the idea of 3" ventilation slits with window screening. That just might work for us too. Thank you!
scott1 5.29

Observatory looks great. And you have an inspired name for it. I am in San Diego County and deal with Upper 90's and some 100deg. days during the summer months. I installed a portable AC unit that comes on if the temp gets over 80. Works well.

ScottAC 1.jpg
DalePenkala 19.63
·  1 like
FWIW, I have a box fan that I keep on year around just to keep the air moving all the time. The 3” holes are a good idea as well. I also had a 10” ventilation fan at one point with automatic loovers that helped a lot but as time went on the motor froze up and thats how I ended up with the box fan. 

GVAstrogirls 2.41
These are great ideas. Thanks so much guys!
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