Worth using a 3nm OIII NB filter in Suburban Bortle 6 Skies? Suburban Astrophotography · Bruce Donzanti · ... · 17 · 470 · 1

umasscrew39 12.64
Hi All

I image from my home observatory which is on top of my garage just north of Orlando, FL.  My skies are Bortle 6.  I primarily use a OSC camera but also at times use my ASI1600MM and a H-alpha filter to just do some imaging in B&W.  These I can get fairly well.  I am considering getting an OIII filter to do some palette images along with the Ha filter but wanting to hear from others if the OIII filter would provide any "decent" images in my Bortle 6 skies.  I have the Chroma 2" 5nm Ha filter and was planning on getting the Chroma 2" 3nm OIII which is not cheap so I am a bit hesitant despite the fact that I can afford it.  I have 2 scopes in the observatory, a C11" EdgeHD used @ f/7 and an 80mm Stellarvue APO triplet piggybacked on top of it.  I realize the exposure times will have to be increased but want to hear of  any experience with using a 3nm OIII filter in Bortle 6 skies for palette imaging?

ruccdu 2.71
Hi, Bruce.

I image from home sometimes, Bortle 8.  I recently collected the O-III data for my Abell 39 image (https://www.astrobin.com/tgoy8x/?nc=user) from home.  It's possible.

ADLanphere 0.00
·  1 like
Hi Bruce,

I image from my house in a Bortle 6/7 area in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I use a 3 nm Oiii filter as part of my regular imaging setup.  I try to avoid imaging Oiii around the time of hte full moon, but that's basically the only limitation.  I've used the filter both with refractors and an 8" Edge SCT.  You can see some recent results on my gallery, such as https://www.astrobin.com/7svcgi/B/?nc=user.

TareqPhoto 2.94
·  1 like
Simple question, so the answer is even very simple, YES!!!

I have OIII 6.5nm which is not good but it do the job, but i just added Chroma OIII 3nm but didn't test it, if Optolong OIII 6.5nm did the job then OIII 3nm is another story and level.

I live in Bortle 7/8 sky.
Andys_Astropix 11.25
·  1 like
+1 ^ I live in the suburbs of Melbourne Australia, pop 5,000,000  & having recently visited Orlando FL, I can assure you we share similar skies!
I have always used a 3nm O3 filter for NB imaging - and currently use a Chroma 2" 3nm that I got from Tolga Astro at a reasonable price.
It performs beautifully, even when the moon is up, as long as your imaging at least 40 degrees away!  8)
umasscrew39 12.64
Well- these are all encouraging responses!

Ron- beautiful Abell 39, congrats!

Drew- I moved from the SF Bay Area just 2 years ago.  That is where I learned live viewing and started my AP adventure.    That is a spectacular image with the Astrodon filters- glad to see the 3nm SII worked as well.

Tareq- I am glad I asked a simple, clear question.  I like simple, clear answers even better  .
umasscrew39 12.64
Andy 01:
+1 ^ I live in the suburbs of Melbourne Australia, pop 5,000,000  & having recently visited Orlando FL, I can assure you we share similar skies!I have always used a 3nm O3 filter for NB imaging - and currently use a Chroma 2" 3nm that I got from Tolga Astro at a reasonable price.
It performs beautifully, even when the moon is up, as long as your imaging at least 40 degrees away!  8)

Excellent, Andy!

I know Tolga well and have bought several items from him, including my AP1100 mount.

I have also been to Australia, twice, but only to Sydney.   Why didn't you tell me you were visiting Orlando? ;)   We could have met up, keeping our social distance, of course !!   This is great that you have direct a comparison to confirm- thats much for letting me know.
Andys_Astropix 11.25
Bruce Donzanti:
Why didn't you tell me you were visiting Orlando?

Bruce, prior to my trip (I went to watch a friend's satellite launched by Space-X) I contacted the Central Florida Astro Society in Orlando and offered to present the same talk that I was invited to present at NEAIC this year, but unfortunately, they gave me the cold shoulder - said their calendar was full. C'est la vie! 
umasscrew39 12.64
Andy- I will send you a private message.

JDJ 0.00
I image from the near white zone just outside Washington DC.  I started moving into narrowband Ha and OIII  filters a year or so ago and it has really helped my deep sky imaging.  If you are going to continue with the OSC camera, consider a dual narrowband filter like the Optolong L-enhance.  Capturing both Ha and OIII simultaneously is working out well for me and much more efficient than capturing Ha and OIII in separate exposures.
umasscrew39 12.64
·  1 like
I image from the near white zone just outside Washington DC.  I started moving into narrowband Ha and OIII  filters a year or so ago and it has really helped my deep sky imaging.  If you are going to continue with the OSC camera, consider a dual narrowband filter like the Optolong L-enhance.  Capturing both Ha and OIII simultaneously is working out well for me and much more efficient than capturing Ha and OIII in separate exposures.

I've been using the L-eNhance with my OSC cameras for about a year- great option.  I also have the ASI1600MM as stated in my original post.  That is what the Chroma filters will be used with- when we get out of hurricane season 
Chris-PA 3.31
My Chroma 3nm OIII is my favorite filter. I'm under Bortle 7-8 skies and I swear that thing is magic.
umasscrew39 12.64
Chris Sullivan:
My Chroma 3nm OIII is my favorite filter. I'm under Bortle 7-8 skies and I swear that thing is magic.

Phew..... glad you said that.  Mine arrives 20 July, along with the SII ;).  I just bit the bullet and will have all 3 filters.
Edited ...
umasscrew39 12.64
Chris Sullivan:
My Chroma 3nm OIII is my favorite filter. I'm under Bortle 7-8 skies and I swear that thing is magic.

....and not too far from my hometown, Philly
TareqPhoto 2.94
I really need to test and use my 3nm filters as soon as possible and see what i am missing so far, it is just i am out and off mood since last year or about 5 months ago.
TareqPhoto 2.94
I tested once or twice, and all what i can say is ........ WOW, 3nm filters all the way, i can't believe i waited all that long time to give it a try.
Krizan 5.96
·  1 like
I agree with all that has been said.  I have used 1.25 5nm and 3nm Astrodon OIII.  The 3nm reduced the background noise quite a bit and also was less affected by the moon light.  I am now using a 2" Croma F3 3nm OIII filter.  I am under Bortle 7 skies in Easter Pennsylvania.  I have found 5nm Ha to be OK in Bortle 7.  I am using the Astronomik 2" MaxFR 6nm Ha.

You will fine the OIII in emission nebula to be much fainter than the Ha.  Sometimes it seems like you aren't getting anything. That will depend on the nebula.  It will tend to be nosier and may demand longer subs or more time.  The Veil will be equally strong in both Ha & OIII.  

Lynn K.
dvb 0.90
I'm using Chroma 3 nm and Baader 3.5/4/4 filters in my Bortle 6 suburban location, with both 80ed refracter and 200mm Newt and finding the investment very worthwhile.  

I am finding 5 minute subs work well.  

I've uploaded a recent image, Tulip SH2-101 to Crescent NGC6888 to this group.  Tulip to Crescent AB.png
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