What are those objects? Anything goes · Seacat17 · ... · 1 · 188 · 3

Seacat17 0.00
So I watched a video about AP and decided to give it a try to be my hobby.

I have 2 smartphones. One of them sucks, one of them rocks. The one that rocks is TRT-LX1.

I used OpenCamera app to save images with 100% JPEG quality and DNGs. After a few experiments I was ready to make some shots. Even though I had lots of interference because of the window glass and street lights, so I had no hope to be honest.

Don't ask me how I managed to install my phone and control it, it's a long story...

I set ISO to 100 (lowest possible) and EXPO to 8 secs (highest possible). For the sake of saving some disk space and speeding the processing up I used 4x digital zoom. First I made a few shots with NR algo that is built into OpenCamera and then I made a few shots without it and then I made 2 DNG shots.

After opening them on the computer I was surprised to see that I actually captured something! I could see objects on my photos.

I jumped into GIMP and blended non-DNG photos together to make them more clear and the result is quite good.

After that I opened Datktable and was surprised even more - it seems like I captured ONE MORE object on those 2 DNG shots!
And now I'm curious, what are those? Are those even real space objects or just some graphical artifacts?

I can upload the source files of those images and answer all the nessesary questions!
Seacat17 0.00

I used the Sky Map app on F-Droid to try to figure it out. It has time travel feature so I traveled to the moment I caprured those photos and used moon as a guide.

Screenshot_20231227_195823_Sky Map.png

Looks like that bright dot was... Capella!
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