Hello from France / Bonjour à tous ! Introduce yourself! · argth · ... · 6 · 406 · 2

argth 1.51
Hi ! 

Really happy to be on astrobin, I am returning to astrophoto after a few years not having much time for it. I began astrophotogrpahy in 2006 mainly using telescopes from the Observatoire de Haute Provence in France, now I am focused on light gear so I do all my work using a star adventurer mini and a full spectrum Canon 60d. 

My quest of correct lenses made me try a bunch of brands and models : 
 - Sigma 70-210 Zen Apo F2.8 --> Rejected : no correct until f/8
 - Tamron SP 70-200 F/2.8 Di LD --> Rejected  : no correct wide open in the corner
 - Tair 3 300 mm F/4.5 --> Correct and used for wide fields 
 - Rubinar 500mm F/5.6 -->  Correct and used to take pictures of galaxies using a the star adventurer mini 
 - Canon 200mm L F/2.8 --> Correct at F/3.2, used for wide fields 
 - SMC super takumar 200mm F/4 --> Correct lens at F/5.6 
 - PENTACON 135mm F/2.8 --> Correct lens at F/3.2 

I am currently located in a really light poluted area near Paris.
TamRich1874 5.22
·  1 like
Bonjour Argth! And welcome to the Astrobin family.
Papangue 0.00
·  1 like
Welcome to Astrobin.
I am also part of the Paris Region family and its beautiful nocturnal lights. Right now, it's a little better because the streetlights go out at 11 p.m.
I'm also a fan of CANON and the Star Adventurer for travel.
What are your favorite software tools?

argth 1.51
·  1 like
Hello Harold,

Really happy to discuss with you ! 

My processing workflow for some time now is : 
- SIRIL for processing 
- Then AstrodenoisePy to make some noise removal 
- Separation of stars and other objects using StarNetV2 
- Separate histogram processing for stars and deep sky objects 
- Merge the two using Gimp. 

How do you work ?
Papangue 0.00
·  1 like
My processing workflow for some time now is : 
- SIRIL for processing 
- Then AstrodenoisePy to make some noise removal 
- Separation of stars and other objects using StarNetV2 
- Separate histogram processing for stars and deep sky objects 
- Merge the two using Gimp. 

How do you work ?

For full deep sky object processing I use PixInsight and sometimes AstroPixel Processor for pre-processing.
For Earth Moon and planets I use PIPP, Registax 6, AutoStakkert!3 and Winjupos.
And for final adjustments, RawTherapee or Adobe PhotoShop.
argth 1.51
Noted ! I have no experience for planetary, so good to have some feedbacks when I will. 

For now my main pain point is to correct background ! I have struguled a lot with this subject. Maybe you or other persons from astrobin forum would have an idea on how to improve ? 

Even if I use a white T shirt during day light to take some flats with signal in the middle of the histogram, my result after stacking and background removal in SIRIL is : 


I had to spend a huge time trying to remove these strange marks... Any suggestion ? 

For reference my master flat (calculated by SIRIL with 17 frames  1/3200s @800 iso as the lights, focus at infinity, same rotation of lens)
Kaoru_Requiem 0.00
Hi arght.

I'm living near Paris too but with a sky not so bad (Bortle 5) so i can't complain.

Welcome to Astrobin.
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