Orion Trapezium Cluster with Lucky Imaging, Piotr Czernik

Orion Trapezium Cluster with Lucky Imaging

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Orion Trapezium Cluster with Lucky Imaging, Piotr Czernik

Orion Trapezium Cluster with Lucky Imaging

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Here is a lucky imaging session to capture the Orion Nebula Trapezium cluster. This particular session involved capturing a total of  20,000 frames with a size of 3008x3008 using a C11 telescope with a UV IR Cut filter (12k frames) and Irpass 850 Filter (8k frames) . Exposure time was 800ms. The aim was to capture both color and IRPass frames to get a complete image of the trapezium.One of the major obstacles I faced was the size of the images that were being captured. With a size of 3008x3008, each frame was quite large and required a lot of processing power and storage space to work with.

Seeing that night was average and frames were captured from highly light polluted place in my backyard. Once the frames were captured, they were processed with PIPP to debayer then stacked together with batches and processed with Fitswork and PIX.  Considering this is my first proper LI session with my C11 I think the final result is good and I like the small stars around the trapezium.

The biggest challenge was processing as majority of those frames failed to register/calibrate. It was very hard to calibrate each picture which did not present any fancy data but high gain only. The 850 IR Pass filter worked quite well here especially when seeing was a bit better from time to time.

From 20k frames approximately 60% was taken for processing



Orion Trapezium Cluster with Lucky Imaging, Piotr Czernik