Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  B1  ·  B2  ·  B202  ·  B203  ·  B204  ·  B205  ·  B206  ·  HD21110  ·  HD21229  ·  HD21483  ·  HD21864  ·  HD22124  ·  HD22195  ·  HD278684  ·  HD278687  ·  HD278688  ·  HD278692  ·  HD278693  ·  HD278694  ·  HD278773  ·  HD278774  ·  HD278775  ·  LBN 734  ·  LBN 740  ·  LBN 741  ·  LBN 746  ·  LDN 1448  ·  LDN 1450  ·  LDN 1451  ·  LDN 1452  ·  And 4 more.
NGC 1333 - 31.5 hours from Bortle 1, Antoine Grelin
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NGC 1333 - 31.5 hours from Bortle 1

NGC 1333 - 31.5 hours from Bortle 1, Antoine Grelin
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NGC 1333 - 31.5 hours from Bortle 1



Acquisition details



NGC 1333 at f/2, 31.5 hours from the Bortle 1 skies of New Mexico Astronomy Acres. First light from there with the RASA 8!


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 1333 - 31.5 hours from Bortle 1, Antoine Grelin