Contains:  Gear
Dual setup : Sigma Art 135mm + ASI183MM Pro and TS Imaging Star 71/347mm + Canon EOS Ra, Jérémie

Dual setup : Sigma Art 135mm + ASI183MM Pro and TS Imaging Star 71/347mm + Canon EOS Ra

Dual setup : Sigma Art 135mm + ASI183MM Pro and TS Imaging Star 71/347mm + Canon EOS Ra, Jérémie

Dual setup : Sigma Art 135mm + ASI183MM Pro and TS Imaging Star 71/347mm + Canon EOS Ra


To limit the frustration of doing astrophotography mainly from Paris (Bortle 8), I decided to use a dual setup : composed of my refractor and a lens that I intend to use when traveling, in order to double the acquisition for a given night (luminance on one side and RGB on the other). One is 135mm f/1.8 and the other 347mm f/4,8, but the size of the 2 sensors have the same ratios, giving the same field of view.

First test was with the Seahorse nebula, and tonight I try the Shark nebula, after a first try 2 years ago, without success (2 nights were not sufficient to get rid of the noise to an acceptable level…)
