NGC 6946, Paul Porto

NGC 6946

NGC 6946, Paul Porto

NGC 6946



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NGC 6946, also known as the Fireworks Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Cepheus. Here is some information about NGC 6946:
  • Classified as a barred spiral galaxy. It exhibits a central bar-shaped structure across its nucleus, with spiral arms extending outward from the bar.
  • Approximately 22 million light-years away from Earth, making it relatively close on a cosmic scale.
  • Diameter of about 40,000 to 50,000 light-years, which is similar in size to our Milky Way galaxy.
  • Active Star Formation: NGC 6946 is known for its exceptionally high rate of star formation. It has earned the nickname "Fireworks Galaxy" due to the frequent occurrence of supernova explosions within its spiral arms. Over the past century, at least ten supernovae have been observed in NGC 6946, making it one of the most prolific supernova factories known.
  • Spiral Structure: NGC 6946 exhibits well-defined spiral arms that wind around its central bar. The arms are filled with young, hot stars, gas, and dust, indicating ongoing star formation. The spiral arms are relatively loose and asymmetric compared to other spiral galaxies, giving NGC 6946 a more irregular appearance.
  • Halo and Stellar Streams: NGC 6946 is surrounded by a faint, extended stellar halo and stellar streams, which are remnants of past interactions or mergers with smaller galaxies. These structures provide insights into the galaxy's formation history.



  • NGC 6946, Paul Porto
  • Final
    NGC 6946, Paul Porto


Description: Added lights (about 15hrs total) and used GeneralizedHyperbolicStretch process in PI

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NGC 6946, Paul Porto

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