Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Contains:  Agena (β Cen)  ·  Hadar  ·  NGC 5381  ·  PGC 3075572  ·  PK310+01.2  ·  PK311+02.2  ·  The star Hadar  ·  bet Cen
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Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
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Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen

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Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
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Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen



Acquisition details



1h of integral Ha and OIII exposure of surroundings of Beta Cen containing "Ghost of Hadar" nebula, HII association RCW 82, various planetary and dark nebulae  - captured remotely using Telescope #5 (Officina Stellare Riccardi-Honders RH200 D = 200mm f/3, FLI Microline 16200) system of ChileScope observatory on Apr 16, 2023. The color mapping on the non-B/W revisions is Ha, OIII, Ha, Ha to LRGB.

This is a subframe of the full FOV of the instrument cropped to remove the off-axis aperture effects of the instrument caused by the bright star Beta Cen (+0.6m), which process of removal was illustrated under [1]:

[1] https://www.astrobin.com/0az6pe/

There are several objects of interest in this frame:

(A) "Ghost of Hadar" nebular and HII area around beta Cen (revisions E and F) that was shown in more details and in different color pallets under [2] and [3]:

[2] https://www.astrobin.com/ojtcmx/

[3] https://www.astrobin.com/8gpw0u/

(B) RCW 82 HII association (revisions G and H) [4]:

[4] http://galaxymap.org/cat/view/rcw/82

(C) SuWt 2 (PN G311.0+02.4) planetary nebula (revisions I and J) [5-8, [9, 9a]:

[5] http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-basic?Ident=PN+SuWt+2

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuWt_2

[7] https://arxiv.org/abs/1307.2974

[8] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1307.2974.pdf

[9] https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aa611c

[9a] https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aa611c/pdf

Besides these, there are two more objects one of which identifies fairly well a planetary nebula PN G310.6+0.1.4 in the bottom of the frame:


and this open cluster cluster(?) with some diffuse component associated with it (possibly another planetary nebula) that is not so easily identifiable (though there seem to be far-IR object associated with it [11]. This second object (called as "bCen nebula X-PN1" in here) may deserve more attention:


[11] https://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=%403359994&Name=IRAS%2013532-6012&submit=submit



  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Final
    Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev


Title: Annotated version of the original revision provided with overlays processed separately for 3 objects of interest

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Title: The original revision of the image with full star suppression applied

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Title: Annotated version of the image with full star suppression applied

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Title: Subframe for the Beta Cen with circular halo of aperture scattered light and "Ghost of Hadar" nebula in Ha

Description: 30min integral Ha exposure (subset of the Ha & OIII exposure used for original image)

Uploaded: ...


Title: Subframe for the Beta Cen with circular halo of aperture scattered light and "Ghost of Hadar" nebula in HOHH colors

Uploaded: ...


Title: Subframe for the RCW 82 HII association in Ha

Description: 30min integral Ha exposure (subset of the Ha & OIII exposure used for original image)

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Title: Subframe for the RCW 82 HII association in custom corrected HOHH colors

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Title: Subframe for the SuWt 2 (PN G311.0+0.2.4) planetary nebula in Ha

Description: 30min integral Ha exposure (subset of the Ha & OIII exposure used for original image)

Uploaded: ...


Title: Subframe for the SuWt 2 (PN G311.0+0.2.4) planetary nebula in custom corrected HOHH colors

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


Revisiting "Ghost of Hadar" nebula and looking at other diffuse objects in the vicinity of Beta Cen, Alexandr Zaytsev