Contains:  Extremely wide field
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Milky Way, Marc Mantha

Milky Way

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Milky Way, Marc Mantha

Milky Way



Acquisition details



I think that all my failed attempts at getting good data to stack a milky way picture this summer as finally paid of. Here is our gorgeous Milky Way taken in the early morning of august 16. This is 3.16h of data.

Taken in Sainte-Marguerite, in la Beauce with a modded t3i, l-pro filter, Rokinon 14mm f/2.6 at f/4 and a Star Adventurer. This Rokinon lens is not ideal for milky way shots, even if alot of sites and reviewers say otherwise, tthe coma is really bad, but for the price, id say it still produces decent results, you are willing to crop!

I was really surprised at how much details I got out of  various the deep sky objects. On full resolution, we can clearly see the heart nebula, the north american nebula and the Veil!



Milky Way, Marc Mantha