Eta Carinae Nebula Captured From Home at Blackmans Bay Tasmania on 8/5/22, Dallas Stott

Eta Carinae Nebula Captured From Home at Blackmans Bay Tasmania on 8/5/22

Eta Carinae Nebula Captured From Home at Blackmans Bay Tasmania on 8/5/22, Dallas Stott

Eta Carinae Nebula Captured From Home at Blackmans Bay Tasmania on 8/5/22



Acquisition details



Chuffed with my best ever image of the mighty Eta Carinae Nebula and over 10,000 stars captured from home at Blackmans Bay Tasmania Australia on 8/5/22 before it disappeared over the roof. Although 7,500 light years away from us this bright nebula is visible to the unaided eye near the Southern Cross every night of the year.

Pentax K-5 on SkyWatcher Evostar 72ED, 420mm, f/5.8 refractor telescope with OVL field flattener and ZWO 60280 guide scope and ZWO ASI120MM Mini mono guide camera, mounted on a SkyWatcher Star Adventurer equatorial mount.

Accurately polar aligned to 14 arc-sec with Sharpcap Pro and guided on 9 stars with PHD2 using the ST-4 port. Stacked 26 lights and 38 darks each at iso 800 and 2 min exposure in Deep Sky Stacker which counted 10,222 stars at the 2% star detection threshhold. So I assume there are over 10,000 stars in the image. Stretched in Photoshop Elements and processed in NCH Photopad Pro. Total tracking time 56 mins.

Tasmania is blessed to have dark skies only a half hour from the capital city so the Astronomical Society and Dark Sky Tasmania will continue to advocate and preserve the dark skies here and create dark parks for future generations to enjoy. Love where I live.



Eta Carinae Nebula Captured From Home at Blackmans Bay Tasmania on 8/5/22, Dallas Stott