Contains:  Extremely wide field
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Me and the Milkyway, John Myers

Me and the Milkyway

Getting plate-solving status, please wait...
Me and the Milkyway, John Myers

Me and the Milkyway



Acquisition details



This was taken above Emerald Bay on the south end of Lake Tahoe at about 12 a.m. on 26 June 2022. The challenge was the terrain and finding a spot facing in the right direction while maintaining some interesting terrain.  Light was provided by passing cars which wasn't planned. Actually, the mountain road was a few hundred yards behind us, presenting what seemed to be an annoying challenge. On the opposite side of the bay, car lights would line the entire mountain so we had to wait to get a shot without them in the frame.  As they wound around to our side of the bay, they would light up the trees as you see here. This is only one 60 second frame guided with a Star Adventurer Pro. I have more but the stacking and photoshop sequence of separating landscape from stars has presented a challenge.  The equipment was a Nikon D750 with a 14mm Rikonon F2.8 lens.



Me and the Milkyway, John Myers