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My setup At NASFA - 4 telescopes on Paramount ME, Saied Asfa

My setup At NASFA - 4 telescopes on Paramount ME

My setup At NASFA - 4 telescopes on Paramount ME, Saied Asfa

My setup At NASFA - 4 telescopes on Paramount ME


Takahashi TOA-130 with ZWO 1600 Pro mono with ZWO EFW - 7 36 mm

Stellarvue SVX 130T with ZWO 1600 Pro mono with ZWO EFW- 7 36 mm

William Optics GT71 71mm f/5.9 Apo with ZWO 2600 C Pro

William Optics Guide Star 61 with ZWO Optical ZWO ASI290MM-MINI 2.1 MP

The SkyX pro ,loaded

Paramount ME

Dell PowerEdge T640 server computer with 6TB , 8 Processors and Dell Optiplex 790 MT Core i7 Tower Computer



My setup At NASFA - 4 telescopes on Paramount ME, Saied Asfa