M31 Andromeda Galaxy - my first DSO, Karol Kovarik

M31 Andromeda Galaxy - my first DSO

M31 Andromeda Galaxy - my first DSO, Karol Kovarik

M31 Andromeda Galaxy - my first DSO



Acquisition details



This was my first attempt to photograph a deep sky object. Newbie to DSOs and to post processing required to improve the image, I tried my best. Would be interested to understand if I could have done more with post-processing or the limits come from my equipment.

Here is some more info on the equipment and settings I have used:
Canon 800d (stock) + Canon 70-200mm L USM f2.8 @130mm, f4
ISO 800
60 light frames - each 1 minute
15 dark frames



M31 Andromeda Galaxy - my first DSO, Karol Kovarik