Sombrero Galaxy (M104) HLA Data, kimmycheese

Sombrero Galaxy (M104) HLA Data

Sombrero Galaxy (M104) HLA Data, kimmycheese

Sombrero Galaxy (M104) HLA Data



Acquisition details



Sombrero Galaxy (M104) in RGB [Hubble Legacy Archive Data]

Hello. So, this is my second time to process Hubble's data. It is really fun to process HLA data. This time it's my favorite galaxy.

I am going to share some of the workflow that I did.

I open FITS Liberator 4 since the data is a '.fits' file. I stretched the individual channels using the 'Pow' method.

After that, I exported the individual channels into Pixinsight and combined them using 'LRGB Combination'. I used Screen Transfer Function's 'Auto Stretch' to the channels. Converted the linear image using 'Histogram Transformation'. Adjusted the curves using 'Curves Transformation'. Cropped the image using 'Dynamic Crop'.

I later exported it to Adobe Photoshop. Stretched the levels using 'Levels Adjustment'. Finally, I used Adobe Camera Raw Filter to "correct" white balance and other adjustments.

Data Credits:

NASA, Hubble, Hubble Legacy Archive


John Kim Eden (Me)

Link to Hubble Legacy Archive:



Sombrero Galaxy (M104) HLA Data, kimmycheese