Contains:  Extremely wide field
Dirfis mountain along the stars and deep sky objects, ALEXANDROS CHALOOUPKA

Dirfis mountain along the stars and deep sky objects

Dirfis mountain along the stars and deep sky objects, ALEXANDROS CHALOOUPKA

Dirfis mountain along the stars and deep sky objects



Acquisition details



How many deep sky objects can you see in this image??
Yesterday I went again at the Agalis shelter at Dirfis mountain hoping it wasn't windy since the windy was giving me 4knots but the wind gusts was 14knots making it impossible to capture deep sky with the 200mm lens so I went with wide lens and took this image...
The image is a stack of 8 images for the sky tracked with star adventurer pro unguided and 2 stills for the foreground
Weird I plate solved this image with astrometry like astrobin does but here it doesn't plate solve it... Strange...



Dirfis mountain along the stars and deep sky objects, ALEXANDROS CHALOOUPKA