24 hours on Triangulum, Samuel Warfel

24 hours on Triangulum

24 hours on Triangulum, Samuel Warfel

24 hours on Triangulum



Acquisition details



I am pleased to finally present my biggest astro project so far, 1 day on Messier 33, the Triangulum Galaxy! For this project I collected over 24 hours of data, split between 12 hours of broadband data from a low Bortle 4 site, and 12 hours of data with a dual narrowband filter from my home in Bortle 6. I extracted the Hydrogen-Alpha and Oxygen-three from the dual narrowband data, combining it with it the broadband to provide those beautiful red and blue nebulae that adorn the spiral arms of the galaxy like Christmas lights. This is by far my longest integration, blowing past my previous record of 7.5 hours. It’s also been the most complex, and the hardest object to process. But I got there in the end! I ordered a print of it to put on my wall, I feel this one is one I can really be proud of.

180sx240 with UV-IR cut, 180sx240 with dual narrowband. ISO 400, Darks, Flats, and Biases.



24 hours on Triangulum, Samuel Warfel