Contains:  Solar system body or event

Complete timelapse sequence, 2024 total solar eclipse

Complete timelapse sequence, 2024 total solar eclipse



Acquisition details



The partial phases were shot with Backyard Nikon, with shots every 20 seconds at 1/500th of a second exposure, ISO 100. 

 C2 was shot as a video file in Backyard Nikon's planetary mode, which unfortunately downsamples the data quite significantly, and at a different image scale.  As a stand-alone file it's quite pleasing to watch the diamond ring fade into totality in real-time.  But, to create a timelapse including all phases, I had to convert my BYN C2 .avi video file to .jpeg, and re-size the images in Photoshop to match, and used 250 of the 1000 images acquired over the 10 seconds of C2.  

Totality was shot in Backyard Nikon as bracketed exposures.  See my totality shot for specific descriptions on acquisition and processing.  Totality here is hence not truly a timelapse, but copied still shots of the processed totality photo.  I added a sequence of unprocessed totality shots at graduated exposures going into totality, and another of decreasing exposures going out of totality, to make a smoother transition.

To capture C3:  BYN's planetary mode does not capture enough data to get detail on Bailey's Beads, nor would a BYN sequence capture images fast enough (only every 2-3 seconds) to catch the fleeting transition from totality to diamond ring.  Hence, as C3 approached I disconnected the camera from the laptop, dialed the exposure to 1/2500s, and shot a burst of 98 frames saving directly to the camera card.  After the Diamond Ring the filter went back on, I plugged the camera back into BYN and restarted the partial phase timelapse sequence to finish out.  

Leo Schatz's PHD planetary guiding module was invaluable in keeping the partial phases well-aligned.  I had to manually align the C3 shots in Photoshop layers, probably because of the slight movement generated by my finger on the camera.  Also Gordon Telepun's Solar Eclipse Timer app was also key in capturing these fleeting events.



Complete timelapse sequence, 2024 total solar eclipse, Bruce Larsen