Contains:  Other
Border Ranges Milky Way Panorama, Kelvin Hennessy

Border Ranges Milky Way Panorama

Border Ranges Milky Way Panorama, Kelvin Hennessy

Border Ranges Milky Way Panorama


This 250 degree panorama shows the Milky Way setting over the Border Ranges in New South Wales, Australia, featuring the sharp peak of "The Pinnacle".
The core of the Milky Way is flanked by the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds to the left, and the Andromeda Galaxy to the right, which can only just be made out above the light pollution of the city of Gold Coast.
I even managed to catch the best shooting star of the night, just above the big tree on the left    Its amazing what low-noise detail this camera can pick up using only starlight, airglow and light pollution to illuminate the foreground as it was pitch black Bortle 2 location !

This panorama is made up of 55 photos using a CentralDS modified Canon 6D and Sigma 50mm lens - the top 4 rows of 11 images are all tracked with a SkyWatcher AllView Alt-Az atop an EQ6-R Equatorial mount, with the lower 11 foreground shots untracked.  
PTGui did an amazing job of stitching them altogether, with lighting and contrast adjustments, panorama straightening and cropping  performed in Adobe Photoshop.



Border Ranges Milky Way Panorama, Kelvin Hennessy