Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Grus (Gru)  ·  Contains:  NGC 7552  ·  NGC 7582  ·  NGC 7590  ·  NGC 7599

Image of the day 08/09/2023

Grus Quartet - NGC 7552, 7582, 7590, 7599. And Abel 1111, Ferrante Enriques

Grus Quartet - NGC 7552, 7582, 7590, 7599. And Abel 1111

Image of the day 08/09/2023

Grus Quartet - NGC 7552, 7582, 7590, 7599. And Abel 1111, Ferrante Enriques

Grus Quartet - NGC 7552, 7582, 7590, 7599. And Abel 1111



Acquisition details



The Grus-Quartet consists of four large spiral galaxies which are relatively close to each other at  about 60/70 million ly from Earth. In the background there are countless distant galaxies hundreds of millions of light years away; while to  the right of  NGC 7590 and NGC 7599 is situated the  galaxy cluster Abell 1111, dominated by two giant elliptical galaxies - PGC 71042 and PGC 71043. 
The central galaxy NGC 7582 is a type 2 Seyfert galaxy, such a classification is due to the fact that the galaxy has an extremely bright supermassive central black hole very similar to a quasar. The black hole of NGC7582 is about 10 million times the mass of the sun. (source: Wikipedia and Sky and Telescope)

The image is 6hrs per RGB channel + 13 hrs L. I also collected some Ha data but the H sources where so small that was not worth adding to the image.
Luminance calibrated poorly due to bad flats, so a large scale noise is still visible in the background.

EDIT 9/8/2023: My first Image of the Day on my birthday! Actually was yesterday, a nice present from the IOTD team anyway.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Grus Quartet - NGC 7552, 7582, 7590, 7599. And Abel 1111, Ferrante Enriques