The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex (Oa & Ob clouds), Andreas Moschos

The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex (Oa & Ob clouds)

The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex (Oa & Ob clouds), Andreas Moschos

The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex (Oa & Ob clouds)



Acquisition details



It was an awesome project that I wanted to do for a long time, which I found unlikely as I thought using an astro camera and narrowband filters was necessary to capture all the faint dust clouds surrounding the area. So after 3 months of trying due to bad weather and almost 2 hours of wasted files, I finally managed to gather the right data to compose this incredible section of Orion dust cloud.
 This image taught me again that this incredible hobby it's not all about fancy and expensive equipment. Sure they help a lot and the results are incredible, but sometimes all you need is not a good mount, but a nice amount (sorry for the bad pun) of patience and determination.
  Details: 5 hours and 20 minutes of total integration time, 60x120s guided frames at f/2.8, 200x60s unguided frames at f/2, ISO 800, darks, flats and bias calibration frames for each set separately



The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex (Oa & Ob clouds), Andreas Moschos