Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  46 ksi Per  ·  California Nebula  ·  IC 2003  ·  IC 2005  ·  IC 2027  ·  LBN 738  ·  LBN 748  ·  LBN 752  ·  LBN 756  ·  LBN 757  ·  LDN 1442  ·  LDN 1446  ·  LDN 1449  ·  LDN 1456  ·  LDN 1462  ·  LDN 1463  ·  LDN 1464  ·  LDN 1469  ·  Menkib  ·  NGC 1499  ·  PK156-13.1  ·  PK161-14.1  ·  Perseus  ·  Sh2-220  ·  The star ξPer  ·  VdB24
NGC 1499, Ha, Stephen Garretson
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NGC 1499, Ha

NGC 1499, Ha, Stephen Garretson
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NGC 1499, Ha



Acquisition details



Here's a couple hours on the California Nebula. For some unknown reason PHD2 was having fits, so I elected to shoot 300s unguided...worked great!

[24] 300s unguided Ha subs
2 hours total integration

Borg 55FL f/3.6 Astrograph
ASI 2600MM Pro
Baader 3.5nm Ha filter
Starlight Xpress USB Filter Wheel

Paramount MX+

William Optics RedCat [as guide scope]
ASI 290 M Mini guide camera

from the Beevo Dome

TheSkyX, SGP
PixInsight, Photosop, Topaz DeNoise AI, Mac OS Photos, Preview



Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 1499, Ha, Stephen Garretson

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